
What I love about blogging is its organic nature. Sure, I have a general plan for what I hope to write about, like my Relaxed Book Club, but there is certainly flexibility in the process, especially when new opportunities arise out of the blue.

So, here’s a challenge that I encountered by reading one of my favorite blogger’s post; one I simply cannot resist. Why? It happens that it will push me to do more of what I already love to do–yoga and writing.

The 21.5.800 Challenge begins today. Here is the deal:

  • For 21 days, we’ll be doing 5 days of yoga a week and 800 words of writing per day.
  • THE WRITING: The writing can be ANYTHING. Memoir, blogs, business plans, essays, fiction, free-writing, letters,……..ANYTHING. The point is to get writing again daily and to have the boundaries and challenge of a daily word count to reach.
  • THE YOGA: There are several options for you to do the yoga portion of 21.5.800 5 times in 7 days. Here are the options: 1. Go to a yoga class in your ‘hood. 2. Do a yoga dvd at home. 3. Take a 20-40 minute savasana at home on the floor.

Some of you are saying: “She is crazy.”

Some of  you are questioning: “Maybe I should try this?”

So, I’ll ask you: Why should you try it and what would you like to get out of it?

I answered those questions for myself and here are my answers:

  • I really need the yoga right now! And, it just so happens that I’ve gotten back into the swing of my yoga practice again and it’s feeling great!
  • It just so happens that I have a lot to write about these days, for my blog, for work, and for me.

So, won’t you join me? I’m not promising to blog about my experiences daily, but you’ll definitely be hearing from me more during these 21 days, like it or not! LOL.

For those of you who may be new to Being En Pointe, you may be asking yourself: “Why is she saying here I go again?” Well, last December I participated in my first bloggers challenge. You can read the first post of that challenge here and follow from there if you’d like.

By the way….this will count toward my 800 words today (385…415 to go)!
