

Happy Spring!

I truly love this time of year, not simply because the weather is more tolerable (in Miami that is!) and mostly beautiful, but because this time of year is so symbolic. At the end of March we had the Spring Equinox and Easter, which spiritually symbolize rebirth…a shedding of the darkness and solitude of winter, and an opening to our lightness and our eternal selves.

Although, ideally we should be aware of and ready to shift those dark aspects of our experiences as they happen, from moment to moment, it’s always valuable to our spiritual and emotional growth to find a time to more deeply assess what has or should now transform within us and why. That’s how symbolism and rituals serve us–they cue us to pause our daily lives and prod, question, accept, forgive, understand, decide, take action, and ultimately transform.

I hope you’re not thinking of transformation as some HUGE change we must make in our lives. Nope. It could simply be a tiny awakening to something within us that has or needs to change (even die!) in some small way so that we can, indeed, bloom! That is, after all, how change happens– in each breath, and in each miniscule movement. Our cells are changing constantly. Yes, we ARE the definition of constant change, so we should be more open to embracing it and inciting it!

For those of you up to the task this, here’s a fun activity that can help us think about what within us or outside of us needs to transform in some way, what needs to get kicked to the curb, and what seeds need to be planted so that they grow deep roots in our lives.

  • Briefly scan this list of the 12 Dimensions of Wellbeing (from the Wellness Inventory – a well-being assessment and tool I use in my work):
    • Self-Love and Responsibility
    • Breathing
    • Sensing
    • Eating
    • Moving
    • Thinking
    • Feeling
    • Play and Work
    • Communicating
    • Intimacy
    • Finding Meaning
    • Transcending
  1. What dimension(s) jumped out at you? Pick one to start with.
  2. Ask yourself: “What about my (i.e., Intimacy) needs to change, die, or grow?”
  3. Then ask, (Pick a new dimension) “How can the dimension of (i.e., breathing) help me transform my (go back to the first one you picked – Intimacy)?”

Try this with just a few of the dimensions, or all 12 and see what shows up. It’s fun to do with a friend as well and create a nice dialogue. I guarantee you’ll come up with a list of things to think about, as well as some meaningful transformations you feel will help you “rise” this year. Allow your intuition to speak to you, and don’t think too hard. Even without an exercise to guide us, we often know what must change and simply need to find the courage to take those next steps.

May you spring into this new season with a pep in your step, a passion-filled heart, and a mission-driven mind. Allow for what needs to die to die, and give birth to what needs to be born.

Wishing you a powerful spring season!



Beginning to Heal

December 20, 2012

Just like most of you who are parents, I can’t help but to sit through the latest horrific tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, and wonder, “How do parents begin to heal?”

I’m not sharing my thoughts on this so that you believe in what I believe, as I truly respect the individual beliefs of all people. But, I wanted to share my perspective in the chance that it may provide an iota of peace for some in this storm of sadness.

Since I was a young adolescent I questioned so many of the beliefs I was taught. So much didn’t make sense, including serious life challenges like violence, illness and death. Through my own search, a lot of reading and allowing myself to be open, I have come to find some comfort in the following:

  • We each have a purpose for coming to this earth as humans, to live the human experience of right and wrong; good and bad.
  • We come to an “agreement” or contract with our God that details what situations (accidents, illnesses, issues, death, betrayal, etc.) will occur during our lifetime that will serve as a lesson either for ourselves, others, or both.
  • Individuals in our lives, whether we know them well or not, agree in advance to play a part in our “agreement” to help these lessons play out.
  • Some contracts will involve MANY (yes, even children) who decide, together, as beautiful souls, to create a TRANSFORMATIONAL lesson for many.

So, keeping this in mind, I can find an iota of peace believing that these 26 amazing angels came to our earth, during our lifetime, to GET OUR ATTENTION…to tell us loudly and painfully that our work is not even close to being done. We must pay attention and take action.

What have we not yet learned? What must we all do, together, as a united community?

Clearly some major red flags are gun control and mental health reform.

In my opinion…

Did the shooter need help? YES

Did his mother NEED the weapons? NO

Did his parents truly understand the gravity of his mental illness? PROBABLY NOT.

I know that there are still so many things we don’t know and understand about why this tragedy happened. I know that the parents, relatives, and friends of those innocent souls who died may never entirely heal. Afterall, we are human. But, can we begin to heal if spiritually we can believe there is a reason why their lives ended so early? Yes, I do believe this is possible.

To all of those who directly suffered from this unthinkable crime, I send you overwhelming love and light and pray that the beautiful souls of your loved ones are rejoicing in Heaven, comforting one another as brothers and sisters, knowing that their earthly purpose has been achieved. Now WE MUST NOT ignore their sacrifice and we must work hard to make those necessary transformational changes that are needed as a human society.

Sweet Angels, you have gotten my attention.

Here is a list of books that have helped me along my journey, related to what I’ve written above, which you may be interested in reading:

Sacred Contracts, by Caroline Myss

Growing Up In Heaven: The Eternal Connection Between Parent and Child, by James Van Praagh

The Golden Motorcycle Gang, by Jack Canfield



Happy Anniversary to Me!!

November 19, 2010

Being En Pointe is 2 years old today!


Last night I was  doing homework with my children when the thought came to me… “My blog anniversary must be any day now!” Well, since you may know by now that I don’t believe in coincidences, my timing was perfect; to the day to be exact. And, the timing of things gets even better. Last night I also learned that I was accepted as an affiliate for Hay House, my most cherished publisher of all my gurus!

Since this past year’s theme has been all about reading empowering and thought-provoking books via my Relaxed Book Club, I invite you to continue on this path with me of making the time, even if it’s only one page a day, to read a quality book that allows for that oh-so-amazing aha moment! I just love them. Don’t you?

So, I invite you to peruse Hay House and all of its inspiring offerings. Maybe someone in your life needs a good book to lift their spirits?

I guarantee you’ll find one at Hay House.

(Note: for some reason I’m having trouble attaching links to images/words today, so here’s the link to Hay House:                     http://bit.ly/9EuwlC .)

My Relaxed Book Club will become even more relaxed as I retreat more deeply into my new selections (I already have about 6 of them!) and the new insights that I just know I will share with all of you at just the right time. In the meantime, I will use this very special anniversary to contemplate how I’ve been En Pointe this past “blogging year” and how I will renew my blog’s purpose to passionately thrust me forward for another wonderful year of reflecting, sharing and transforming.

Thanks for your eyes and hearts, and for any LOL moments you’ve experienced via Being En Pointe and my Relaxed Book Club. I hope you will keep coming back for more. 🙂

Keep reading… Monique